sábado, agosto 01, 2020

Join us at Chivapure to implement the same sustainable development model we successfully did at Aripao.

Building the prefactibility of the Conservation Agreement at Pijiguaos, central basin of Chivapure river, Venezuela. 

Join us at Chivapure to implement the same sustainable development model we successfully did at Aripao

 Did you know that an agreement of conservation has been stablished at Aripao? It has allow the preservation of several local species and the sustainable development of its communities. 

In 2009 the Aripao community restarted the production of sarrapia (Dipteryx punctata) and its territoriality, according to the Suapure Conservation Agreement, which consist of biodiversity monitoring, surveillance and control of 150.000 ha of tropical rain forest at Lower Caura, Venezuela, supported by Conservation International www.conservation.org, Givaudan www.givaudan.com and Phynatura, allowing the preservation of emblematic species such as Jaguar, Tapir, Paují and Terecay turtle, and at the same time sustainably seize nonwooden products of the forest, stablishing a more sustainable alternative of development to the extractivist model of the Orinoco Mining Arc. 

The experience at Aripao is a replicable model within other high biodiversity zones. That is how previous mentioned participants along with Grupo Agroindustrial Tierra Mágica (Puerto Ayacucho) and Mane (www.mane.com) are promoting the design and implementation of a new Conservation Agreement with a sustainable seize of the sarrapia in indigenous communities Panare and Hoti, in the central basin of Chivaure river, an unprotected rainforest area threatened by the expansion of agriculture, illegal logging, poaching and mining (part of the Orinoco Mining Arc polygonal).

 The goal is to achieve at medium term the community self-managing of the sustainable production of the sarrapia within preservation zones and some others under the Union for Ethical BioTrade www.ethicalbiotrade.org standards, to which is necessary base-line studies of biodiversity and socioeconomics: rainforest formations and its ecology, animal and vegetal species pointing at key species, ground mapping and sarrapia main spots, demography, composition and economy of the local and indigenous population, anthropology and customary rights of the neighbor communities, territorial selfdemarcation processes and other territorial rights, threats to biodiversity and its impact on the communities, actor mapping and territorial planning. 

Your institutional or particular contribution is very important to achieve the prefactibility analysis and routing the Conservation Agreement design, with the protagonism of the involving communities, building the alternative institutional fabric from community organization, private companies, technical, scientific and academic support organizations, and also securing financing for the first stages of design and implementation of the agreement, which will be held in the future by the sustainable supply of non-wooden products from the rainforest. 

Contribute with this initiative se we can increase the experience of sustainable development, generating a positive impact on our rainforest and its communities. 

To join, reach us at phynatura@gmail.com

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